Best Partner for Data Protection
in CompanyCare for Data Security -
Best Partner for Data Protection
in CompanyCare for Data Security

Specially designed for managing the connection of external devices like USB devices, mobile phone, CD ROM. It can disable the unauthorized access to devices, PC and data.
Lock USB devices & CD Rom Manage white-listed devices Lock software/devices Monitor and record the devices activity Internet access control and lock websites
Renee Secure Silo
Overall data security solution for enterprise and home user.Protect sensitive and confidential data in PC, hard disk and portable memory devices.
Encrypt files Protect data in USB disk Password wallet Disguise/hide file
Bundle and Save Click for details
Company Data Leakage Incidents

- August 2009
DuPont sued a scientist. It charged the scientist’s action that he secretly transferred over 600 confidential files to a USB flash drive, in violation of the contract.
- March 30th, 2018
MyFitnessPal, a sport app subordinated to Under Armour, was hacked because of a security breach, with 150 million accounts leaked.
- June 13th 2018
AcFun, a Chinese video sharing website, announced that 8 to 10 million accounts were hacked.
Data Leakage happens in 80% of Enterprises Every Year

Perfect Team: Renee Secure Silo & Renee USB Block
Protect data in the whole data transmission process. Stay away from monetary loss and damage of enterprise’s iamge.
Manage USB Ports Connection
Renee USB Block will manage and control the connection of the USB devices to pevent from unauthorized access to PC and data inside.
Encrypt Data
Lock confidential data in PC and other portable memory devices with Renee Secure Silo to prevent from data leakage in data transmission process.
Monitor Devices’ Activity
Renee USB Block helps users monitor the data transmission, access. If incorrect password is entered over 5 times, alarm email will be sent to the mailbox automatically.
Monitor Log
In addition to the USB lock and monitor function,Renee USB Block also provides complete log management, and supports export the log. Details of file name, size and operation will be recorded in the log for futher reference.
What is Renee Secure Silo?
Specially designed for managing the connection of external devices like USB devices, mobile phone, CD ROM.
Functions like hiding and disguising data are also provided to fulfill different needs.
Excellent Security
- Encrypt in SecondsAdapting the virtual encrypted disk, whether users want to modified or add new encryted files, Renee Secure Silo can make it in second.
- High SecurityAES256 encryption algorithm helps Renee Seecure Silo encrypt files with good confidentially. Users can open and close the encrypted files with simple steps. Encrypted files will not be spied even users off the PC. With the floating window, users can close software with one click.
- Protect Portable USB DevicesUsers can create the virtual encrypted disk in any portable storage devices, like USB disk, CD. Renee Secure Silo will turn the files in the disk to executable files and users do not need to install Renee Secure Silo in storage devices.

Crecate Vitural Encrypted Disk

Protect Data in Portable Memory Devices

Password Protect Information of Card/Password
What is Renee USB Block?
Renee USB Block is the software that can protect PC to be maliciously attacked by the external devices, like USB, phone and disc.
Renee USB Block is also designed with other functions, such as network control and program lock, protecting users from hackers.
Excellent Security
- Filter with Underlying Driver SoftwareRenee USB Block disable USB storage devices with underlying driver software. Brute force will not work to crack.
- Safety NotificationNotification will be sent to mailbox if wrong password is entered over 5 times
- Autmotical Detection of USB DevicesPassword wil be required if Renee USB Block detects any USB storage devices.

Lock USB Ports/Websites/Software/Devices

Manage the Access of External Devices

Alarm of Abnormal Login
Prevent Data Leakage in Office
Computers, USB and external drives are common in office.
How to prevent data leakage and well keep confidential files?
How to Disable USB Ports
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Encrypted Flash Drive Recommendation
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Computer Monitoring Software
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