How to Recover Data after Attack from Ransomware Petya 

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    Senior Product Manager

If you are victims of the new ransomware Petya, you may wonder more about how to recover data from PC after infection of these ransomware. Professional data recovery software can help you to recover the locked files. Get more from below.

The attack of Petya was first reported in Ukraine where the government and public institutions like banks, state power utility, metro system and some airport company were infected. Now Petya has been widely spread through US and Europe. Similar to the famous ransomware “WannaCry”, Petya also lock the files. Although the number of the files types that Petya locks is less than Wanncry does, it includes most common file types.
The infected computer will ask for Bitcoin ransom worth $300 which is half of the previous ransomware “WannaCry”. However, the email address which victims were asked to send email to has been shut down by the email provider, which means that there is no longer any way for victims to unlock their computer.
So, question comes! Can we recover the data back after attack from Ransomware like Petya? Of course you can. Here we go.

How to Recover Data after Attack from Ransomware

Preparation before recovering data from the infected PC:
Download and install professional data recovery software – Renee Undeleter into an external memory device before hand.

Note: Please do not install the software into the PC from which you want to recover deleted files from.

press to the download button

Step 1: Launch the software and select the scan mode.

In this demo, we select Fast Partition Scan which includes Fast Scan and Deep Scan mode to make a fast scan at the beginning. If you want to scan the whole disk, then “Whole disk scan” will be recommended.

Fast scan will just scan the beginning 30 GB of the hard disk. If it can not find out the completed or target files, please try the “Deep Scan” of “Fast Partition Scan” or other scan modes.

select scan mode in Renee Undeleter

Step 2: Select the partition in which you kept your lost data before.

select a drive to scan

Step 3: Select the file types you want to scan. This will save your time.

If you can not make sure the file types, you can skip this step.

Tips:Click “Next” to scan. You can preview the scanned result while scanning.

Renee Undeleter support previewing pictures, word and many file formats before recovery.

select file types to recover

Step 4: Select the files you want to recover and the destination which you want to restore the data to.

Please note that: You are not recommended to select the hard disk which you recovered your data from to be the destination because this will overwrite the source data. It will be better to save the recovered files in another external memory device.

preview before recovery
Even Petya has input some new data into your PC, you can still try to scan and recover. Because, it may have chance to get back some files.

Download the professional data recovery software now and start to find back data after ransomware attack!

press to the download button
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