How to Use ADB to Save Photos and APPs between Android SD Card and PC?
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- How to Use ADB to Save Photos and APPs between Android SD Card and PC?

ADB is a debug tool. Through this tool, we can control the phone emulator and the other devices but also achieve many operations, such as installing Apps, updating the system and executing the shell command. Simply, ADB is a bridge between Android phone and PC. Users can use it to fully control the computer. So, do you know how to use ADB to save photos and Apps between Android SD card and PC?

2. “adb push” is the order to send photos.
3. “C:\Users\RENEE-CN\Desktop\1\100.JPG” is the address of the target photos on PC.
4. “storage/emulated/0/” is the target SD card.
5. “DCIM/100AMDRO/” is one of the folder names on the target SD card.
6. The last “100.JPG” can be renamed and the new name will be shown on the SD card.

2. “adb pull” is the order to obtain photos from phone to PC.
3. “storage/0123-4567/” is the target Android phone.
4. “DCIM/fml.jpg” is the path of the target photo on the phone.
6. “C:\Users\XXXX\” is dedicated to the user name of the PC. Please change XXXX to your own name.
7. If you don’t set a destination to save the photo, it will be saved in the User folder under C disk.

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