Definition and Solution for Common Blue Screen Error Codes in Windows 10
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- Definition and Solution for Common Blue Screen Error Codes in Windows 10

Blues Screen (BSoD) is the error interface when Windows system crash or encounter errors. Blue screen means the occurance of serious system errors and the error codes on the blue screen can help users to figure out and fix the problem. Some common methods could do favors to help users to solve error. All will be introduced to you.
Part 1: List of Common Blue Screen Error Codes

List of Common Blue Screen Error Code:
0xc0000001 – Incorrect function which means there is something wrong with the boot device or the boot files get damaged. Also if the boot sector fails, this error code will pop up.
0xc0000004 – System fails to open files.
0xc0000007 – Controller of storage got damaged.
0xc0000009 – The address of the storage controller is invalid.
0xc000000A – Environment configurations are incorrect.
0xc000000D – Generally, it is caused by driver software which is with something wrong. Besides, some defective flash memory, software like antivirus software and backup software will also lead to this error.
0xc000000F – System failed to find the boot disk, which could be lead by the unset boot information or misconfigured BCD boot files.
0xc000014C – System can not boot BCD file or the system files got damaged.
0xc0000019 – Disk drive failed to find target sector or tracks in the disk.
0xc000001A – Can not get access to specific disk.
0xc000001B – Disk drive failed to find the required sector.
0xc000001E – System can not get access to specific device.
0xc0000021 – Part of the files is locked which lead to access failure.
0xc0000034 – Caused by the repeated internet name or the Bootmgr\BCD file in active partition got damaged when the Bootmgr configured the BCD file.
0xc0000053 – INT24 failed.
0xc0000054 – Storage device to process this command fails to work.
0xc0000098 – Writing to disk got error, power outage, boot sector got virus infections and manually misconfigured BCD could lead to this error. Besides, if users clone disk with defective software which will not correct the boot information will get user to encounter this error as well.
Part 2: How to Deal with Blue Screen Error
Check the Connection of Hardware
Besides, please have a check of the flash memory connection as well. Please remove stain with eraser from the connector of flash memory if necessary. After cleaning, reseat it.
Finally, please try to disconnect all external memory devices like USB disk, external CD ROM, etc from computer and then restart the computer for repair.

Fix Blue Screen Eroor with CHKDSK

Create Administrator Account with Renee Passnow

Run Anti-virus Software in Safe Mode

Steps when Windows can boot normally

When Windows 10 Fails to Boot
Rebuild Boot File BCD
Transfer Important Data with Renee Passnow

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